This phenomenon will be a great opportunity for the bloggers in Indonesia. Based on a survey conducted by BuzzCity, Indonesia 94 percent of the population surveyed used the Internet at least once a day, and more than half of respondents said they surf the Internet at least six times a day.

Indonesia People also spend more time surfing the internet when compared to respondents from many other countries, because 54 percent of respondents said that they spent more than an hour each session.
Throughout the Lebaran holiday in August 2011 the last, BuzzCity ad network does not degrade the mobile internet traffic. BuzzCity network serving 1.2 billion ads throughout the month of August 2011, an increase of 20 percent compared to July. Content consumption continued throughout the holidays.
"Indonesia will experience an explosion of mobile internet within the next two years. At this time, Indonesia maintained its position as the second largest market for mobile advertising. Imagine how the situation in two years, "said KF Lai, CEO of BuzzCity, as reported through official statement on Thursday (09/29/2011).
"The phone features as well as smartphones are getting cheaper, telecom operators and network repair service price data could increase the reach of the increasingly competitive mobile internet and presents a great opportunity for bloggers Indonesia", added KF Lai.
Currently, only a few people who know how to be active in the mobile world the blogosphere and gain advantage through mobile advertisements.
"Mobilizer feature allows you to change your blog or website into a mobile site without requiring further programming," he added.
BuzzCity invites and advise bloggers to become associates, referred to as "publisher", and offers a method of revenue BuzzCity PPC (Pay per Click) for each graphic banner ads and text ads displayed on publisher sites.
As a publisher BuzzCity, bloggers will receive a set of coding to be installed on their mobile blog site, and bloggers are free to set the ad placement.
Blogger can also select categories of advertisers, receiving reports of the amount of revenue generated from BuzzCity, as well as direct tracing the movement of their income. The same opportunities are also available for application developers and novice bloggers.
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